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Microscopic Modern Art
Lost In A Mad Splash of Matter

Microscopic Modern Art was inspired when I purchased a home microscope with the intention to take a closer look at what’s actually going on around me. I collected snippets of things in nature from around my house, placed them in a drop of rain water, and arranged them on a slide to create an image that struck me. I photographed the microscopic pictures to capture the moment on a deeper level and found myself lost in a mad splash of matter. I continue to capture bits of nature mingling and spy on the unique patterns that emerge. Nature is eternally a wonder to behold on every level.


“When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images.” Niels Bohr

Play with patterns in nature.

Haight- Bigger Fish in the Quantum Foam.

Microscopic Modern Art

Materials used: 

blue dried hydrangea, orange berry, leaf

Created: December 2020


“In a sea of particles, there are bigger fish in the quantum foam.”

*Included in the Be a part of pARTicles virtual art exhibit at Fermilab February 2021

Myth in Matter.png, microscopic modern art

Microscopic Modern Art

Materials used: pomegranate, onion, pepper

Created January 2022


"Myth in Matter"

*Included in the Be a part of pARTicles virtual art exhibit at Fermilab February 2022

August 2023
Materials used: chicory, wildflowers, mushrooms, pine cone, dragonfly wing, yellow snap dragon

Falling Star.png

"Falling Star"

"Faerie Gift"

"Feather Moon"


"Feed Me"

"Moon Faerie"

"Double Doors"

"Eye of the Beholder"

"Dragonfly Wing"


"Lizard Ride"


"Sunlight Sparkle"

"Flower Matter"




"Mushroom Pink"

"Pine Cone Head"

"Head of the House"

"Feeling Blue"

"Moon in a Moon"

"Mellow Yellow"

"Stone Man"

"Sitting It Out"

"Feather Light"

"Diamond Dream"

"Fish Clown"

"Tent Party"

July 2023
Materials used: Pink waterlily, orange trumpet flower, bee wing. clover, thistle, algae, blackberry

Pond, orange trumpet flowers
Pink Water Lily

This is the backyard macrocosm muse for this July Microscopic Modern Art. Glorious! 

"Humpty Dumpty Before the Fall"

Microscopic Modern Art, Red Storm,png

"Red Storm"

"Devil's Kiss"

"Dragon Eye"

Microscopic Modern Art, Jumble.png


"Rainbow Blend"


Microscopic Modern Art, Thought Patterns.png

"Thought Patterns"

Microscopic Modern Art, Sniff.png



Microscopic Modern Art, Plasma Channel.png

"Plasma Channel"

"Peeking Skull"


"Blue Eye"

Microscopic Modern Art, Pink Panther.png

"Pink Panther"

Microscopic Modern Art, Seeing Red.png

"Seeing Red"


Microscopic Modern Art, Frozen Faerie.png

"Frozen Faerie"

Microscopic Modern Art, Fruit.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Green Strike.png

"Green Strike"

"Honey Wing"

Microscopic Modern Art, Bee Bubble.png

"Bee Bubble"


"Light Wing"

Microscopic Modern art, Pink and Purple.png

"Pink and Purple"

Microscopic Modern Art, Catch.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Purple Line.png

"Purple Line"

Microscopic Modern Art, Pink Waterlily and Thistle.png

"Pink Waterlily and Thistle"

Micropscopic Modern Art, Chards.png


Microscopic Modern Art, Sticky Pink.png

"Sticky Pink"

Microscopic Modern Art, Ascend.jpg


May 2023
Materials used: tulip, bleeding heart, white flower, 
dandelion, cherry blossom tree leaf, violet, lilac

Microscopic Modern Art, Sorcerer Lazuli.png

"Sorcerer Lazuli"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Hummingbird Spell.png

"Hummingbird Spell"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Court of Queen Chartruese.png

"Court of Queen Chartreuse"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Kiss of Gold.png

"Kiss of Gold"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Portal.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Color Sphere.png

"Color Sphere"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Living Lines.png

"Living Lines"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Along.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Inside Patterns.png

"Inside Patterns"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Daisy Chain.png

"Daisy Chain"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Sea of Green.png

"Sea of Green"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Cloud Diary.png

"Cloud Diary"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Tiny House Party.png

"Tiny House Party"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Confetti Curtain.png

"Confetti Curtain"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Space Step.png

"Space Step"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Bewitched.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Dreaming Mountain.png

"Dreaming Mountain"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Secret Surprise.png

"Secret Surpsrise"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Cosmic Egg.png

"Cosmic Egg"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Skull Jam.png

"Skull Jam"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Ethereal Plain.png

"Ethereal Plain"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, !.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Persephone.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Quantum Ride.png

"Quantum Ride"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Frosted Purple.png

"Frosted Purple"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Flower Cat.png

"Flower Cat"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Doodle Doo.png

"Doodle Doo"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Star Battle.png

"Star Battle"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Alice.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Shadow Glance.png

"Shadow Glance"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Creeper.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Circus Cyclone.png

"Circus Cyclone"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Sparkle Clown.png

"Sparkle Clown"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Falling Up.png

"Falling Up"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Heat Wave.png

"Heat Wave"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Tulip Pill.png

"Tulip Pill"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Water Balloon.png

"Water Balloon"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Melencholy.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Rise.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Angel Glass.png

"Angel Glass"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Microscopic Groot.png

"Microscopic Groot"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Fire Blimp.png

"Fire Blimp"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Red Rain.png

"Red Rain"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Chill.png


March 2022
Materials used: carrot, red pepper, brussel sprout, lettuce, poinsettia, dried fish skin, moss

Micropscopic Modern Art, Charmer.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Letting Go.png

"Letting Go"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Self Navigation.png

"Self Navigation"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Lost Line.png

"Lost Line"​

Micropscopic Modern Art, Princess.png


Micropscopic Modern Art, Pink Sea.png

"Pink Sea"

Micropscopic Modern Art, As the Turtle Turns.png

"As the Turtle Turns"

Micropscopic Modern Art, Fever Pitch.png

"Fever Pitch"

Micropscopic Modern Art, Green Splatter.png

"Green Splatter"

Micropscopic Modern Art, Peering Pointsettia.png

"Peering Poinsettia"

Micropscopic Modern Art, Fish Head.png

"Fish Head"

Micropscopic Modern Art, The Moon's Secret.png

"The Moon's Secret"

Micropscopic Modern Art, Inner Foil.png

"Inner Foil"

Micropscopic Modern Art, How A Red Pepper Rolls.png

"How A Red Pepper Rolls"

Micropscopic Modern Art, Mystery Mix.png

"Mystery Mix"

Micropscopic Modern Art, Lettuce Carrot On.png

"Lettuce Carrot On"

Micropscopic Modern Art, In the Weeds.png

"In The Weeds"

Micropscopic Modern Art, Betwixt the Lines.png

"Betwixt the Lines"

*taken from a slide from an earlier photo shoot- I believe it's dried hydrangea

October 2021- January 2022
Materials used: date, wild red berry, blackberry, onion, pomegranate


"Myxtress Molasses"​

The Dark is the Light.png

"The Dark is the Light"​


"Eye on Top"​


"Inner Crow"​


"Red Line"​

FullSizeRender (2).png


FullSizeRender (3).png

"Sea Surprise"​



June 2021
Materials used: raspberry, apple, blackberry, carrot, spinach

Microscopic Modern Art

"Pink Lady"​

Microscopic Modern Art


Microscopic Modern Art


Microscopic Modern Art


Microscopic Modern Art

"Particle City"​

Microscopic Modern Art

"Heart of Matter"​

Microscopic Modern Art

"Raspberry Whip"​

Microscopic Modern Art

"The Empress"​

Microscopic Modern Art


Microscopic Modern Art


May 2021
Materials used: petunia, geranium, mushroom, buttercup, dandelion

Microscopic Modern Art


Microscopic Modern Art

"Queen Buttercup"​

Microscopic Modern Art

"Petunia Wave"​

Microscopic Modern Art


Microscopic Modern Art


Microscopic Modern Art


February 2021
Materials used: fish skin, feather, shrimp, anchovy, spinach leaf, pomegranate seed, drop of blood, banana skin, coffee

Microscopic Modern Art

"Dream away into the night."​

Microscopic Modern Art

"Fish Face"


Microscopic Modern Art

"Tiny Dancer"


Microscopic Modern Art

"Love Buzz"


Microscopic Modern Art

"Thoughtful Suspense"


Microscopic Modern Art

"Have a bit."


Microscopic Modern Art

"Find Your Garden"


Microscopic Modern Art



Microscopic Modern Art

"Light Drop"


Microscopic Modern Art


Microscopic Modern Art

"Mother Inside"


Microscopic Modern Art

"Points In Order"


Microscopic Modern Art



Microscopic Modern Art



Microscopic Modern Art

"Magic Play"


Microscopic Modern Art

"Desert in You"


Microscopic Modern Art

"Stepping out of the glass."


Microscopic Modern Art

"Sailing the sea of dreams."



"Flying Lines"​

Microscopic Modern Art


Microscopic Modern Art

"Catch A Glimpse"​

Microscopic Modern Art

"Rainbow Flash Drive Bye"​

Microscopic Modern Art

"Light Lady"​

December 2020

Materials used: dried hydrangea & zinnia, red onion, orange berry, leaf

Microscopic Modern Art

“Eye of the storm.”

Microscopic Modern Art

“Sailing a sea of uncertainty.”

Microscopic Modern Art

“All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn’t put Humpty together again.”

~ Humpty Dumpty- ancient riddle

Microscopic Modern Art

“Follow the yellow brick road.”

~ The Wizard of Oz

Microscopic Modern Art

“Stitching our universal sweater together.”

Microscopic Modern Art

“Bright is the lady in white, who runs ahead of light. She leaves today in a general way, and arrives in style last night.”


*Quote is a modified version of the limerick: There was a young lady named Bright, Whose speed was far faster than light;She started one day in a relative way, And returned on the previous night.

~ A. H. Reginald Buller in Punch

(19 December 1923): 591

Microscopic Modern Art

“Point inside.”

Microscopic Modern Art

“Travel bubble.”

Microscopic Modern Art

“Fear not the face of you.”

Microscopic Modern Art

"Looking Back"



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